Friday, December 22, 2017

Taboo Here, yet 90 Percent of Cultures Use It for Healing


December 23, 2017 | View in Web Browser

Product Education
Black Garlic Supplement
Used by Egyptian Pharaohs for Spiritual Benefits, This Vegetable Has Super Powers

Not only that, Greek and Roman athletes used it for strength and courage before events. It must offer something of value as over 250 million pounds of it are consumed in this country each year. See what happens when it undergoes double fermentation.

Your Saturday Articles
psychedelics benefits to medicine healing
Taboo Here, yet 90 Percent of Cultures Use It for Healing

It's been shown effective in the natural treatment of both anxiety and depression - and scientists say it aligns the mind, heart and intuition. Yet despite hundreds of pages of evidence, it's illegal in most Western nations.

microwave egg dangers
Skip Microwaved Eggs

Using a microwave oven to heat or reheat eggs may be a dangerous practice that can affect your health and potentially injure your eyes and face. I'll share where to buy the best eggs and the healthiest ways to eat them.

Recommended Product
Fermented Beet
Do You Play Sports?

My Fermented Beets with Red Spinach contains natural sources of nitrates that help support optimal blood flow and helps increase sports performance and general wellness.

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What Is Tamarillo Good For?

Learn more about tamarillo nutrition facts, health benefits, healthy recipes and other fun facts about this food.

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