Sunday, June 17, 2018

Dissolves Plaque in Your Arteries, Drink It Daily

Single Essential Oils, Sets or Diffusers
A New Outlook on Life in the Mere Twinkling of an Eye?

Fast-acting inexpensive agent can help stir a titanic shift in your mood, vitality and wellness in a single instant. Hits your brain with surprising velocity. It originates from plants and has been embraced since antiquity to promote well-being.




Your Monday Articles

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Dissolves Plaque in Your Arteries, Drink It Daily

Could slashing your risk of stroke, heart disease and Alzheimer's really be as easy as enjoying 3 to 4 cups of this each day? Studies say yes - and it could also help you slim your waistline and ward off Type 2 diabetes.



green tea boosts heart brain health
Latest Research on Best Cooking Oils

According to a recent Australian study, olive oil, especially extra-virgin olive oil, aka EVOO, is no longer considered off-limits for cooking, as the smoke point is not really a factor in the safety of oils subjected to high heat. In fact, it's touted as superior among cooking oils, even rivaling coconut oil and not even mentioning butter.



cooking oils
What Can Apple Cider Vinegar Do for You?

Although many of the claims about apple cider vinegar lack scientific validation, there is no shortage of anecdotal evidence promoting this enzyme- and probiotic-rich fermented food. A versatile and economical home remedy you can use to calm acid reflux and lower your blood sugar, among other benefits.



apple cider vinegar benefits
Weekly Health Quiz: Firefighters, Energy and Exercise

Take this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week.



week 33 health quiz


Recommended Product

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Lignans with Lycopene
Specifically Formulated for Women's Needs

During menopause, 75 to 85 percent of women experience things like hot flashes, sleep difficulties and mood swings. Lignans with Lycopene has been clinically proven and third-party tested to help women feel more energetic and experience less of these troubling symptoms.


Spotlight of the Week

Jasmine Tea: Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Learn more about jasmine tea, along with its benefits, nutritional facts and recipes that you can prepare at home.

jasmine tea

Mercola Recipes

Check out the top and most recent healthy food recipes and learn how to prepare nutritious foods and snacks that are based on Dr. Mercola's optimized Nutrition Plan.

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June 18, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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