Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Two Deadliest Doctor-Prescribed Pills If You're Under 50

Berberine and MicroPQQ Advanced
Support Your Mitochondrial and Metabolic Health Simultaneously With This One-Two Punch

What could be better than protecting your energy centers from oxidative damage as you age, promoting the growth of new mitochondria, supporting your brain function and metabolism, and encouraging flab burning, all at the same time? Never before have these two ingredients been combined.




Your Thursday Articles

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Two Deadliest Doctor-Prescribed Pills If You're Under 50

Make no mistake about it - this is your No. 1 risk of death if you're under 50. And combined, they're like poison, increasing your risk of a deadly overdose fivefold within the first 90 days. Don't trust your doctor blindly, or you could end up as collateral damage.



opioid benzo mix overdose
Maintaining Healthy Eyesight Can Help Keep Your Brain in Shape

Declines in vision can be a sign of trouble in your brain, to the extent that maintaining good vision may help you stave off future cognitive decline. While vision problems and cognitive impairment are both all-too-common among elderly people, they're not inevitable.



healthy vision helps cognitive function
All About Atlas Cedar Oil

From medicinal to skin care advantages, atlas cedar is an essential oil that you can count on. Its fragrance also brings mind-calming benefits - perfect during stressful days. Discover the other ways you can use this herbal oil.



atlas cedar oil


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Ashwagandha Formula
Relax or Energize With This One Powerful Herb

Whether it is brain health, stress relief, relaxation or mood stability, there is one superstar herb that can provide all these benefits and more. Used in Ayurvedic practices for centuries, it's the powerful adaptogen Ashwagandha.


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Learn more about lobelia nutritional benefits, uses and potential side effects.


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July 19, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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