Monday, August 20, 2018

10-Month Nightmare Kills Thousands of Animals and Crushes a Thriving Industry

Purple Defense
Inexpensive 'Antioxidant Dose' Helps You Wrangle With Aging

Better than blueberries, apples, spinach or vitamin C - it contains high doses of this ingredient that will make even the French jealous. If you want to ward off free radical damage, age gracefully, and support your heart health and blood pressure, please don't ignore this.




Your Tuesday Articles

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10-Month Nightmare Kills Thousands of Animals and Crushes a Thriving Industry

It's killing wildlife at alarming rates - hundreds of manatees, a massive whale shark and more. It's a human hazard too, triggering respiratory distress, rashes, vomiting and kidney failure. It's so bad you could practically make a horror movie from it. Why is corrective action so slow?



toxic algae and red tide
Factory Farm Responsible for Lettuce Contamination

The multistate E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce has been traced back to runoff from a nearby factory farm. Contaminated water was used to irrigate the lettuce fields. I'll provide you with tips and strategies to minimize your risk of foodborne illness.



e coli outbreak romaine lettuce cause
Is Using Your Smartphone or Tablet in the Kitchen a Food Safety Hazard?

According to scientists, cellphones and tablets typically harbor so many germs, they may actually pose a hazard when used in your kitchen during food preparation or when brought to the dinner table. I'll share commonsense strategies to minimize risks associated with this and other cellphone hazards.



using devices in kitchen poses health hazard


Recommended Product

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Complete Spore Restore
Our Ancestors' Eating Plan Included Beneficial Bacteria Spores, but People Today Avoid These

Like a fertile garden with a good gardener, spore probiotics provide a healthy foundation and growth medium. Complete Spore Restore includes a unique organic blend for natural prebiotics.


Must-Read Article

Friendly User's Guide for the Timing of Nutritional Supplements

243K Page Views


While dietary supplements are generally safe, when and how you take them can make a difference in terms of safety and effectiveness.

users guide on taking supplements

Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils

Learn safe and effective ways to use herbal oils in your cooking, as aromatherapy stress relief after a long day at work, and for household care.

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August 21, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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