Monday, October 1, 2018

It's Like Throwing Diseased Grenades at People, Despite Impossible Promises

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Now there's a simple, easy way to keep your skin, hair and nails looking young and vivacious - without risky treatments. It's the cellular glue that holds connective tissue together, keeping your joints limber and flexible well into old age. Are you giving yourself enough?




Your Tuesday Articles

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It's Like Throwing Diseased Grenades at People, Despite Impossible Promises

Due to recent developments, it's bound to get worse, as they were unleashed in a way that surprised millions, though it was actually quite predictable. Expect to see more people sickened with the likes of salmonella, giardia and E. coli. Plus, a great way to slash their profit margin.



cafo lagoons have released pig waste into the environment
Plastic Rivers: Just 10 Streams Carry 95 Percent of Plastic Into Oceans

The oceans are turning into a plastic soup, but to stop the pollution it's important to look to the source: plastics coming from land and traveling down rivers and other freshwater environments. By tackling plastic pollution at its most concentrated sources - 10 rivers worldwide - it may be possible to make a dent in this environmental catastrophe.



10 rivers contribute 95 percent plastic oceans
Pesticide Industry Squashes Local Rights

A group of local Oregon residents succeeded in banning aerial pesticide spraying on private timber land in Lincoln County, but not without a monumental fight against the pesticide industry. The industry rolled out a major PR campaign to take down the measure, but was ultimately trumped by old-fashioned truth and commitment.



pesticides aerial spray ban


Recommended Product

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Fermented Mushroom Complex
An Ancient Method Used to Support Optimal Immune Function

For centuries, many Eastern cultures have long recognized mushrooms for their health-promoting attributes. My Fermented Mushroom Complex is made from the mycelium of real, whole food mushrooms.


Must-Read Article

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

40K Page Views


Discover the possible causes behind it and the ways to manage your mood swings so you can still live a happy and fulfilling life.

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Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils

Learn safe and effective ways to use herbal oils in your cooking, as aromatherapy stress relief after a long day at work, and for household care.

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October 02, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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