Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Eating This Kind of Chicken Could Give You a Life-Threatening Infection


September 27, 2017 | View in Web Browser

Product Education
Pure Power Protein
Just 3 Ounces of This Has the Muscle Building Power of 16 Eggs

Why eat 16 eggs, or 3 pounds of pork or over a pound of almonds (that's more than 3,000 calories) to get the leucine, the crucial branched-chain amino acid found only in certain foods, needed to build muscle for your competitive edge? If you want to build healthy lean muscle, don't overlook this stunning superfood.

Your Wednesday Articles
chicken meat linked to uti epidemic
Eating This Kind of Chicken Could Give You a Life-Threatening Infection

The demand is phenomenal - so are the lies that market it. But people want to believe it so it flies under the radar. Don't be deceived. We now know it carries superbug pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics. So why take the chance when you can just avoid this type of chicken?

cleaning products lung disease
Common Cleaning Products May Increase Your Risk of Lung Disease

Cleaning products that promise to eliminate bacteria come with a high cost to your health. Researchers found a link between health care workers using cleaning products once weekly and progressive lung disease. If you clean your home once a week, you may also be at risk. I'll give you simple, safe and cost-effective alternatives.

can ethanol kill tumors
Can Ethanol Kill Tumors?

Ethanol (pure alcohol) is deadly when consumed, but has been successfully used to treat encapsulated tumors. Researchers may have found a way to use this relatively low-risk treatment on cancer tumors that don't have a fibrous outer shell. I'll share options you have at home to prevent cancer and boost cancer treatments.

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Fermented Beet
Can Beet Juice Make or Break Your Workout Performance?

Studies show that nitric oxide-rich beet juice is linked to improved nitric oxide function. This tasty supplement can potentially help support enhanced oxygen levels and promote optimal blood flow to your muscles.

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