Tuesday, September 5, 2017

This Common Mineral Deficiency Thrusts Your Mitochondria Into a Downward Spiral


September 06, 2017 | View in Web Browser

Product Education
Liposomal Vitamin C
Vitamin C: 1-in-3 Chance You're Deficient, 6 Super-Vegetables to Snack On

It helps maintain cholesterol levels, supports your heart health and aids in eye support and blood pressure - yet there's a good chance you're deficient. Try these 6 vegetables and 7 fruits to reverse the attack, and if taking supplements, beware of these 6 red flags.

Your Wednesday Articles
magnesium deficiency effects
This Common Mineral Deficiency Thrusts Your Mitochondria Into a Downward Spiral

Unfortunately, this nutrient deficiency is so common because so many factors prevent you from getting enough. And the effects can be catastrophic - early death, heart disease, migraines, impotence, persistent infections, mood swings, depression, muscle cramps, osteoporosis and more. Watch out for these 5 signs of deficiency.

soil organic carbon loss
Farmers Increase Profits Using Traditional Practices

Loss of soil carbon impacts a farmer's or gardener's productivity. Poor water infiltration, lower microbial diversity and poor nutrient density affects yield and plant quality. I'll share simple strategies you can start this fall to increase yield and boost the nutrient density of your crop.

are you really buying spring water
Are You Really Buying Spring Water?

A recent class-action lawsuit against bottled water brand Poland Spring has again shone a light on the challenges of using bottled water. The newest complaint has nothing to do with the environment, however, and instead addresses how much you're paying for potentially a 'colossal fraud.'

Recommended Product
Immune Support
Bust Free Radicals to Help Maintain a Healthy Immune System

Free radicals keep your immune system from functioning at top form. My Immune Support contains 10 premium, non-synthetic ingredients that help fight an overabundance of free radicals in the body.

Must-Read Article
how to get rid of a stye
How to Get Rid of a Stye in Your Eye

55K Page Views

Although stye is a common eye infection, it is not contagious, and may be successfully treated at home using simple strategies.

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