Tuesday, September 25, 2018

202,600 Now Dead, Doctors Conned Into Cooperating With This Massive Scam

Core 5 and Core 5 for Women



Core 5 and Core 5 for Women

Can You Guess the Top 5 Supplements I Recommend for Most People?

I've been outspoken about consuming locally grown, organic foods for a balanced nutritional meal plan, however, there are also high-quality supplements that can work together to provide added nutrition for your health and wellness. Can you guess what they are?




Your Wednesday Articles

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202,600 Now Dead, Doctors Conned Into Cooperating With This Massive Scam

Please don't trust your doctor if he hands you this. He may have perfectly good intentions, but he's been hoodwinked by one of the slickest marketing plans of the past century. Make no mistake, this epidemic is no random fluke.



purdue pharma owns generic opioids
Plastics: We Know They Are Dangerous - What Can We Do to Protect Our Planet and Ourselves?

The environmental and health burden from plastics is growing. Governmental agencies are not interested in regulation and at least two journals routinely publish industry-funded studies. Here's how you can protect yourself.



beat plastic pollution
What Do Air Filters Have to Do With Your Blood Pressure?

Reducing indoor air pollution may reduce your blood pressure, which is a primary risk factor associated with early death. I'll share strategies to reduce your impact from and exposure to small particulate air pollution.



air filters may reduce blood pressure


Recommended Product

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Curcumin Advanced
This Spice Crosses Your Blood-Brain Barrier to Offer Brain Health Support

Not very many nutrients can cross the blood-brain barrier, so this unique capability makes this nutrient especially valuable for its potential for protecting brain cells and brain function. Why most forms are next-to-worthless and how technology has taken this substance to a whole new level.


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Used for Thousands of Years, Sweet Marjoram Oil Offers Many Benefits

76K Page Views


The origins of sweet marjoram oil go back thousands of years, and amazingly, it is still used today. It can help alleviate various conditions through different ways, such as a massage oil, added to lotions or diffused in a vaporizer.

sweet marjoram oil

Vaccine Awareness Week 2018

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September 26, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Mercola.com Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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