Monday, September 24, 2018

What to Know Before 'Protecting' Your Loved Ones From This Disease

Joint Formula 90 Day Supply
Tossed Out as Waste, Could It Fix Your Joint Aches in Under 10 Days?

A small, single daily dose of just 500 mg provides fast-acting joint support in three ways - against both pain, stiffness and cartilage breakdown in as little as 4 to 11 days. Studies suggest it's far more effective than Glucosamine and Chondroitin alone.




Your Tuesday Articles

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What to Know Before 'Protecting' Your Loved Ones From This Disease

Liability-free vaccine industry wants to rewrite history and bring back the more toxic old pertussis vaccine that hasn't been given in this country for 20 years. It's frightening information you need to know and do something about now, not later.



whole cell pertussis vaccine
What Happens When a Hurricane Hits a CAFO?

As Hurricane Florence approached North Carolina, CAFO farmers scrambled to drain manure from waste pits, lest they become overrun by floodwaters. In past years, hurricanes have caused these noxious manure 'lagoons' to fail, leading to massive environmental contamination.



hurricane floods manure lagoons
Seals Getting Shot for the Sake of Disease-Ridden Salmon

The farmed salmon industry has claimed a largely unknown casualty in the form of seals, which are often shot by fish farms if they try to steal a farmed salmon snack. The seal killings continue, even as farmed fish continues to be plagued by sea lice and deadly viruses that are threatening wild salmon nearby.



farmed fish plagued by sea lice and deadly viruses


Recommended Product

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Lignans with Lycopene
Specifically Formulated for Women's Needs

During menopause, 75 to 85 percent of women experience things like hot flashes, sleep difficulties and mood swings. Lignans with Lycopene has been clinically proven and third-party tested to help women feel more energetic and experience less of these troubling symptoms.


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All About Atlas Cedar Oil

68K Page Views


From medicinal to skin care advantages, atlas cedar is an essential oil that you can count on. Its fragrance also brings mind-calming benefits - perfect during stressful days. Discover the other ways you can use this herbal oil.

atlas cedar oil

Vaccine Awareness Week 2018

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September 25, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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