Monday, November 12, 2018

Don't Touch This During Winter, Data Says It Should Be Banned

Curcumin Advanced 90 Day Supply
Get an Antioxidant Boost in Seconds, Just Add a 'Dash' of This Ancient Spice to Your Meals

Not only will it 'wake up' your food, filling it with flavor - it may work wonders for your cholesterol, brain health, hormones and stress levels, too. Quite frankly, it's one of the easiest ways to get an unfair health advantage.




Your Tuesday Articles

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Don't Touch This During Winter, Data Says It Should Be Banned

If you were told it only had a 1 in 71 chance of working, yet would actually double your odds of contracting a 'pandemic' dose - you wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. Yet behind the 'smoke and mirrors,' that's exactly what's going on.



influenza vaccine effectiveness
93 Percent Breathing Polluted Air

Worldwide, 93 percent of children live in areas with potentially dangerous levels of air pollution. Exposure to air pollution may negatively affect children's mental and motor development, increase asthma risk, and contribute to respiratory infections and other diseases, such that the World Health Organization has labeled it a 'health emergency' for children.



children air pollution health risks
Farmed Fish Are Depleting Oceans of Wild Fish

About 25 percent of wild-caught fish - amounting to about 20 million tons of seafood - are used to make fishmeal that's fed to farmed fish. In some areas, like West Africa, fishmeal factories are popping up in coastal cities while fish stocks are plummeting to keep up with demand.



aquaculture food security


Recommended Product

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Complete Spore Restore
Recondition Your Gut Bacteria to Provide Daily, Ongoing Care

Our unique, research-proven Complete Spore Restore acts like a gardener in your gut to recondition your gut flora. It provides key 'reconditioning' strains of spore biotics designed by nature to help protect your gut flora during its time there. Make it step one in your healthy gut daily regimen followed by Complete Probiotics.


Must-Read Article

Diarrhea - An Introduction to This Common Illness

103K Page Views


Learn the most important facts about diarrhea, including its causes, types, symptoms, prevention and treatment.


Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils

Learn safe and effective ways to use herbal oils in your cooking, as aromatherapy stress relief after a long day at work, and for household care.

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November 13, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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