Sunday, November 11, 2018

I Warned Against This Water 8 Years Ago, yet Its Popularity Is Soaring

Curcumin Advanced 90 Day Supply
Get an Antioxidant Boost in Seconds, Just Add a 'Dash' of This Ancient Spice to Your Meals

Not only will it 'wake up' your food, filling it with flavor - it may work wonders for your cholesterol, brain health, hormones and stress levels, too. Quite frankly, it's one of the easiest ways to get an unfair health advantage.




Your Monday Articles

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I Warned Against This Water 8 Years Ago, yet Its Popularity Is Soaring

A false hypothesis has been spun into this zero evidence fad, with this popular series of books. Yet the author was sentenced to three years in jail in 2017. Please be careful, and dig deeper to get the real facts.



hydrogen water vs alkaline water
Fermented Dairy Protects Your Heart

A 20-year observational study from Finland suggests eating kefir, yogurt and other fermented dairy products may protect you against heart disease. Middle-aged Finnish men who consumed the highest amount of fermented dairy products had a 27 percent lower incident risk of coronary heart disease than men in the lowest consumption group.



fermented dairy health benefits
What Are the Benefits of Vitamin B1, Thiamine?

A resurgence in the benefits of thiamine, aka vitamin B1, has been ongoing in recent years. Studies show the importance of adequate thiamine intake for cognitive function, as well as for patients with heart failure. A deficiency, on the other hand, can cause problems ranging from paralysis from beriberi to impaired cognitive function.



thiamine health benefits
Weekly Health Quiz: Sleep, Spirulina and Microplastics

Take this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week.



week 53 health quiz


Recommended Product

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Complete Spore Restore
Recondition Your Gut Bacteria to Provide Daily, Ongoing Care

Our unique, research-proven Complete Spore Restore acts like a gardener in your gut to recondition your gut flora. It provides key 'reconditioning' strains of spore biotics designed by nature to help protect your gut flora during its time there. Make it step one in your healthy gut daily regimen followed by Complete Probiotics.


Spotlight of the Week

What Are the Benefits and Uses of Achiote?

110K Page Views


Learn more about achiote, a well-known spice with a subtle peppery taste, and the various health benefits it offers.


Food and Nutrition Facts

Dr. Mercola's Food Facts is a directory of the health foods that you must add to your wholesome meal plan.

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November 12, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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