Sunday, December 16, 2018

Revered for Minimizing Wrinkles, Astonishing Stanford Research

Also might promote hair growth, boost longevity, restore youth and may even regenerate your heart.

Organic Collagen
Wrinkled Skin Loves This More Than Just About Anything and so Do Your Joints

Now there's a simple, easy way to keep your skin, hair and nails looking young and vivacious - without risky treatments. It's the cellular glue that holds connective tissue together, keeping your joints limber and flexible well into old age. Are you giving yourself enough?




Your Monday Articles

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Revered for Minimizing Wrinkles, Astonishing Stanford Research

Recent Stanford University findings about a protein it contains could lead to pills that regenerate healthy tissue in damaged organs - be it your heart, eyes, skin or spinal cord. Also used to promote hair growth, can it boost your longevity, prevent disease and restore youth?



royal jelly benefits
Essential Oils - Highly Effective at Destroying Lyme Bacterium

Researchers from Johns Hopkins have shown essential oils from garlic and other herbs and medicinal plants can help treat the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Some essential oils were more effective than standard antibiotics in addressing slow-growing 'persister' forms of Lyme bacterium.



essential oils for lyme disease
Can Drinking Okra Water Help Fight Diabetes?

There's a new slant on okra. For the last few years, okra water has been shown to have possible benefits for people with high blood sugar and metabolic syndrome. Okra pods soaked in water and consumed as a beverage is one way to get the health-beneficial impacts of this Southern veggie, and you can easily make it yourself.



can drinking okra water help fight diabetes
Weekly Health Quiz: Cholesterol and Life Expectancy

Take this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week.



week 58 health quiz


Recommended Product

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Help Support Your Colon and Digestive System Health

Made with clean, organic turmeric, my Turmeric formula optimizes your colon health and balances the health of your digestive system. It contains organic ginger and curcuminoid extract, which help increase absorption and promote a healthy inflammatory response. Isn't it time to give your body what it deserves?


Spotlight of the Week

Butterbur for Migraines, Allergies and Other Benefits

Discover the many wonders that butterbur has to offer and how this ancient herb lives up to its traditional use.


Common Health Questions

Start reading these in-depth articles now and discover for yourself how you can truly take good care of your body.

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December 17, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 125 SW 3rd Place, Suite 205, Cape Coral, FL 33991

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