Sunday, December 23, 2018

You Won't Believe Google's No. 1 Health Search for 2018

It's astounding but true. See how it compares with our top searches for health information.

Fermented Chlorella
Japan's Most Loved Supplement, Even More Popular There Than Vitamin C in the Western Hemisphere

What could be more popular than vitamin C, the most commonly used supplement in Western culture? Maybe the Japanese know something we don't about this near-perfect food with a wide array of potential health benefits. It may even have something to do with its special growth factor that's exclusive to this superfood.




Your Monday Articles

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You Won't Believe Google's No. 1 Health Search for 2018

You're guaranteed to do a double take at this top health search. Still puzzling as to how it even relates to health, here's how it compares to what you and other readers most wanted to know about on our site this year.



top google health search 2018
Pine Oil: A Potential Panacea?

Pine oil provides a pile of profound health benefits and uses as tall as its trees. Discover more about this essential oil and why it's a favorite in aromatherapy.



pine oil
Weekly Health Quiz: Milk, Bees and Pregnancy

Take this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week.



week 59 health quiz


Recommended Product

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Organic Greens
Start Your Day With a Shot of This - It's Exploding With Vitamins

Antioxidants, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium - could there be any better way to start your day than getting this powerhouse of nutrients injected into your body within seconds?


Spotlight of the Week

What Are Dates Good For?

Learn more about dates nutrition facts, health benefits and healthy recipes you can try at home.


Food and Nutrition Facts

Dr. Mercola's Food Facts is a directory of the health foods that you must add to your wholesome meal plan.

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December 24, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 125 SW 3rd Place, Suite 205, Cape Coral, FL 33991

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