Friday, December 28, 2018

This Fruit Could Be Classified as Hazardous Waste

Handle with caution, tests show it's contaminated with a pesticide that can damage your DNA.

Vitamin B Complex 90 Day Supply
Undervalued Vitamin Slows Brain Shrinkage by as Much as 90 Percent

After a short period on high doses of this vitamin hardly anyone talks about these days, brain shrinkage slowed specifically in the gray matter region related to memory of up to 90 percent.




Your Saturday Articles

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This Fruit Could Be Classified as Hazardous Waste

Test results show it is contaminated with diazinon, a dangerous pesticide absorbed by the skin that can damage human DNA. The lab technician warns to handle it with caution, and the 'allowable limit' of this fungicide has been pushed to 700 times higher. I urge you, only buy organic.



who profits from pineapple production
Can You Believe There Are Cockroach Farms in China?

If the sight of a single cockroach makes you uncomfortable, you may be shocked to learn that at least one roach farm in China is home to more than 6 billion of these pesky insects. Across China, roaches are being mobilized to devour food waste, an increasingly problematic issue due to population growth.



cockroach farming in china
Here's Why You Should Take a Sip of Chrysanthemum Tea

Known for its golden hue, refreshing floral taste and cooling effect, chrysanthemum tea has been a well-loved herbal drink for more than 1,000 years because of its positive effects on your eyes, heart, bones and immune system. Discover more about its benefits and how you can make it at home.



chrysanthemum tea


Recommended Product

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Say Goodbye to Expensive, Loud and Difficult-to-Clean Juicers

Juicing is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. It promotes healthy digestion, supports the health of every cell and boosts your energy levels. Don't wait another minute - get the details on the two 'best-value' juicers I've ever found.


Must-Read Article

Why Am I so Tired All the Time?

Have you ever wondered why you feel so tired every day? Discover why this happens and what you can do to get your life back on track.

why am i so tired

Common Health Questions

Start reading these in-depth articles now and discover for yourself how you can truly take good care of your body.

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December 29, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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